When will I receive my order ?
Once your order is shipped, depending on your country or region, estimated delivery time is between 7 to 25 business days. Specific delivery dates are not provided nor guaranteed.
We offer the following delivery estimates, by country, for your reference:
It all depends on your country! Find your region and estimated delivery time in the table below.
Region | Delivery estimate |
5 - 12+ Business days |
7 - 15+ Business days |
ALL OTHER COUNTRIES | 10 - 20+ Business days |
Tracking numbers are emailed after a short processing period.
Please note that we need 2-3 days to process orders. We strive to ship all items on time, however, in rare cases it may take longer.
Can I track my package?
A tracking number will be sent to you when your product is shipped .
My order has not arrived.
Please contact us. We are here to help you.
What payment method do you accept ?
We accept all major credit cards including Visa, American Express, Mastercard.
How to place an order on your site?
Ordering on our site is quick and easy. When you find a product you like, add it to your cart and follow the instructions to checkout.
How to cancel my order?
If you would like to cancel your order, you must do so within 1 hour of placing your order due to our 1-day production turn around. If cancelled within the allotted time frame, you will receive a full refund. If your order has already been processed, you will need to wait until you receive it and then contact us to arrange a return and refund (you will be responsible for the return shipping costs).